Monday, April 23, 2012

My Testimony

This is a speech (written under the topic title of "personal experience") that I gave about a month ago, and since it was my testimony, I thought I would share it here as well. I'd love to hear your testimony if you comment! :) God bless.

"I would like to share a special event with you all. For as long as I can remember, I have known who God is. I have grown up in a Christian home all my life. I remember attending a nearby church for a while and then we home-churched for several years after that. Memorizing verses, reading the Bible, and talking about God were all part of my daily life. I remember sitting in the living room talking about the Bible with my family or reciting verses to friends. At age 2, I actually memorized a Bible verse for each letter of the alphabet. Family devotions and church activities were also memorable occasions.

When I was eight, our family started attending an independent Baptist church in Courtenay (in the late fall, I think). One of my first reading assignments from my Sunday school teacher was to read the four gospels during my personal devotions. By the time January came around I had finished reading through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. I had read through them many times before, but I remember this time I realized something different. Now I knew that I was a sinner, that I could not do anything to save myself, and that I was condemned because of my own actions. I also realized that only Jesus could save me. He had sent His son to take my place by dying on the cross for the sins of the world, and that by trusting in Him I could have eternal life in heaven one day. I had had the gospel explained to me numerous times before, but this time, my own realization prompted the "sinner's prayer" (which is basically confession to Jesus, claiming the promise that He will forgive your sins).

Perhaps this experience isn't an extremely exciting one to you, but it impacted my whole life. It affects whom I choose as good friends; the way I dress; the books, movies, and music that I choose; and how I act. I now desire to live by the guidelines God has laid out for His people. I am a child of His and my life is in His hands. Learning who God is and what He desires of me, now governs my whole life. This was the most important event in my life: my desire now is to live for Him Who died for me."


  1. Such a wonderful testimony, sis. :) I enjoy reading it every time you share it.
    Your testimony is exciting, because it has changed your life and you are living for Christ.
    Well, my family and some friends home-churched for a few years when I was about 3 or 4. The group broke up and we started going to a few other churches, until we ended up at First Baptist Church; where we have been attending for about eight years now.
    I remember asking Jesus to come into my heart when I was 5 years old. I think I was a little too young at that age to really know how to truly commit my life to Christ; so I rededicated my life when I turned eight.

    Thank you again for sharing, Kaleigh.


  2. Thank YOU for sharing yours! You have had a similar church experience to me. :)


  3. Good post Kaliegh, may we live our lives according to the testimony which we hold. Keep posting :)
    Sarah B.

  4. Yes, indeed, Sarah! Great way to put it. Thanks for commenting! :)

  5. Thank you for sharing that, Kal! My background is very similar to yours, so I can relate to your testimony a lot.

    Love you, sis!

  6. Thanks so much for sharing, Kaleigh. It's so wonderful to see the different ways in which the Lord reaches each of us who are now His children! :-)



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