Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tagged by Elizabeth Anne

Kaleigh and I were tagged by Elizabeth Anne a few days ago to answer some questions. Thank you for tagging us . :)  

1. Why did you start blogging?
Kaleigh and I started blogging because we wanted to inspire our readers to live their lives for Christ and to encourage them on their Christian walk through our experiences and the lessons that we learn every day.
2. Are you excited for summer? Why or why not?
Oh, definitely ready for summer. :) Summer is such a wonderful season for me, as it means I get back to riding and showing my horse, and training other horses/kids to ride. Although I don’t like mowing our large yard, I have begun to enjoy it more as using the push-mower is great exercise. :) Summer also means that everything is green-which is my favorite color.

3. What would you like to see more of on my blog? What kind of posts are your favourite?
I think your blog is very nice and unique the way it is and I enjoy reading your posts. The one entitled "I came to see Jesus" is such an encouagement. :) Thank you for sharing your talent for writing.   

4. Do you know a second language? If so, which one?
Um..I know bits and pieces of language; like a little German, a little Spanish, and a little Hawaiian. However, the only language that I know (and care to know) is English. :P I do study ASL (American Sign Language) and have been working with signs on and off for approximately nine years now. :) It’s always fun to get together with other people who know it.

5. What has God been teaching you lately?
He has been teaching me multiple things lately that it is hard for me to only pick one or two. Over the last few weeks, God has taught me:
~to listen to His voice more.
~to “give-up” on some wants/dreams
~to not care as much as what others think, but to care more about what He thinks
~to find peace and comfort only in Him
Although He has shown me many other things for awhile now, these are the things that have impacted me the most and have really prompted me to take a “second look” at my life right now.

6. How would you describe the perfect day?
Wow, a “perfect day”. In all honesty, I’ve never really thought about this before.  As I was thinking about how I was going to answer this, two ideas came to mind: “...the day I become engaged.” and “...the day when I get married.”. But then I got to thinking about other things that would make the day “perfect”. So, to answer the question truthfully, I’d say that the perfect day would be when I see my Saviour’s face. :)  The day when I get to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to Him talk. The day when all my worries fade away and the day when Jesus wipes all my tears away. To me, that would be “the perfect day”.

7. Would you like to travel (now or in the future)? If yes, where would you go?
I would love to travel in the near future and do so with friends and/or family. There are numerous places that I would love to visit, but most of the places are where my friends live, including:

Whether I actually do travel, I don’t know, but I think it would be fun to see the world.

8. What is your favourite book of the bible and why?
Oh boy. Just one? Well, I’d say that my absolute favorite book in the Bible is James. I find many inspiring virtues that I try to apply to my life. Many of which I find helpful to follow and re-read on my walk with Christ. So many other books in God’s Word are inspiring such as Philippians and Ephesians, but I suppose since I’ve read James more, that is why it is partly my favorite, because I am more familiar with it. :)

9. Are you short, tall or average? What do you like and dislike about your height?
This is kind of hard. :P I’ve been told that I am short and then I’ve heard that 5’4” is average.for girls. So, I’m not really sure.

What I dislike about my height:
~People tease/pick on me

What I like about my height:
~I can fit through things that bigger people can’t-like small cars
~Not as much “wind resistance”. :P
~I rarely have to worry about ducking under tree branches unless I’m on my horse. :)

I am the way I am. God created each of us a certain height for a special reason.

10. Do you think coffee or tea is better? Or do you like either? Why?
I have had tea, but have never had coffee. I’m afraid I’ve never been a fan of either. The taste has never sparked my interest.

11. What are your plans for the future?
I am not 100% sure what God has for me in a few years, but I feel that He has been showing me that He wants me to pursue a writing degree, like Journalism. My first reasons for getting a degree was because I wanted to be ready for a possible future without a husband and family. However, I’ve reconsidered my reasons, and am now doing CollegePlus! for three reasons; 1: to become more well-rounded in writing so I can publish books, 2. become more learned so I can teach my children, and 3. to meet new people and make friends-which I’ve done and it has blessed me greatly.
After graduation from college, I’d love to travel a little and visit some of the friends from CP!.
Later on in life, I hope to get married and be a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom.
Some things may never happen, like getting married, but I know God holds my future and He knows what’s best for me, as He knows what’s best for each of us and our futures..

God bless you all,


Psalm 27:14


  1. Thank you for answering, Anna! Your answers were all awesome and I really enjoyed reading and learning more about you!

    I love James, too! I just finished it a couple of days ago. It's great! And sorry...I should have made the question with a plural of books. I know that I can never choose just ONE favourite Bible book either.

    Well, you're taller than I am! I always thought of 5'4 as average, but I guess it depends on who you're talking to. I am glad that you are content with your height and I like what you said about God giving us our height for a special reason. That is so true and something that I have learned as well.

    Great response for #11! I am also not % 100 sure what God wants...well, I guess no one is. I know you'll make a wonderful wife and mother (if that is what God has planned). Actually, I'm sure you'll be amazing at whatever He does have in store. Never underestimate the amazingness that God has for you! :D

    Thanks again for sharing! I loved learning more about have so many awesome interests! I wish you the best with your studies, horse back riding, and future travels and dreams. :D

    God bless!

  2. #2. Mowing the lawn definitely is exercise. :D
    #5. Well-said, Anna. ;)
    #6. Ah, the route our mind takes when it's on "auto-reply". :P I totally agree. Seeing our Savior will be the perfect day, not only for us, but also for the rest of His children.
    #7. Yes. Come see me. :D
    #8. James 1:5--perhaps one of my favorite verses.
    #9. ROFL! Those were great answers! :D
    #10. Jer.29:11

    Great job, Anna. *hug*

  3. @Elizabeth Anne: Thank you so much for your kind words. :) I always enjoy reading your blog and getting to you know you better. You have such a sweet spirit and I pray that whatever God has in store for you, that you are blessed and amazed at God's plans for you. :) I think you'll make a great wife and mother. ;) God bless.

    @Collin Thank you. :)

    @Kaleigh You are so sweet, sis. :) Anytime you want to come over and mow our lawn, you'll be more than welcomed. :D (just kidding about mowing the lawn). ;) But yes, maybe in the near future I can go to BC. :D
    I think it would be awesome if we could finally meet.
    I absolutely love James 1:5, too. :)



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