Friday, December 18, 2015

At the Close of 2015...

This has been my theme verse for the year of 2015, and as the days of this year draw to a close, I find myself still reminded of it.

The believer's life is sure to bring joys and trials, but there is a promise that once we are in Christ, we are secure in him. Nothing can move us from the Father's love, the Son's protection, or the Holy Spirit's guidance. Christ Jesus has made me His own, and nothing can separate me from the love of God. It's not because we've obtained spiritual maturity or because we're perfect. We continue on in working out our own salvation because it's God who works in us and because Christ Jesus has made us His own. A people of his possession, the chosen ones, sent to live Jesus to the world and share His love to other believers.

I've been reading through all four Gospels as part of my reading plan, and I've almost finished John. John 14-17 especially have been some of my most favorite chapters in the Gospels. Jesus talks with His disciples shortly before He will be arrested and He provides them with the comfort and teaching they need in that moment. They don't understand it all until His ascension, but because the words were penned for us also, we, as the 21 century believers, benefit from it today.

We were made the possession of Jesus when He purchased our ransom by paying for our sins on the cross.
And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him. (Colossians 2:13-15, ESV)
He chose to remove the legal record against us, and not only did he just satisfy the requirement for a perfect blood sacrifice, but He also gloried and triumphed in it. He was pleased to do it. He set aside the majesty to heaven to be born, to die, and to rise again for the people He created. Our past, present, and future is nailed to the cross with Him. That's why we are in Him--He made us His own.

We are now citizens of a new country, a heavenly one, and we await a Savior, who, though is tarrying long in His return, will come again for He has promised. We're not of this world anymore. Scripture commands us to forsake the world and its desires and walk worthy of the Lord. We're saints saved by His grace through faith in Christ Jesus for His glory. Our life is hidden with Christ in God, and when our Life appears, we also will appear with Him in glory.

2015 gave us another year to walk as saints of God's kingdom. Perhaps we did, but in many ways we probably did not. Lord willing, 2016 will give us another year and through its challenges and blessings, we will be offered another season of spiritual growth to use for Christ. Let us not grow weary or fall by the wayside, but let us have courage to do what God has called us to. Not because we've obtained anything in and of ourselves, but because we forget what lies behind and we strain forward into what lies ahead. Let us press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. May our work for the Savior keep us humble but confident, weak but strong, patient but waiting. And wherever He calls us to go may we know that our time spent for God is not in vain, for it is done in the power of Jesus Christ. We are more than just conquerors. We're will reign with Christ as saints. Let us live like it. Let us thank Him for the days ahead in which we will be given opportunity to demonstrate our love for Him and for others.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement as friends and as readers of Facing the Waves. You are appreciated. May God go with you all and may you know His peace, comfort, and love in the days to come.

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