Thursday, July 18, 2013

Redeem the Time

For what is your life? It is even a vapor
that appears for a little time
and then vanishes away.
James 4:14 (NKJV)

Sometimes when we're waiting for things life seems to go so slowly, and yet, in other moments we never seem to accomplish everything we set out to do. During my last few years of high school, life really "sped up". Of course, I still had the same amount of time as everybody else did, but during those transition years and later on into my first year of college, I really noticed how life truly is a vapor. Days have flown by and often I look back and wonder if I really accomplished anything important. 

Over the past several months, I have received several reminders from different sources to redeem the time. Whether from social networking, the spoken or written word, each reminder has constantly directed my focus back to my life purpose: to honor and glorify God in all that I do. 

I recently have thought back to the past year of my life so far; it has gone by exceptionally quickly. But I clearly remember many of the past events and circumstances--more clearly than I have for other years. In many ways, I have been disappointed as I mentally reviewed the nonproductive activities, but I have also received great blessing in other areas. 

People say that time goes by even quicker the older you get. Not sure I like that idea much, but I have seen how it time appears to disappear rapidly. How often I have been involved in some mindless activity only to look up at the time and wonder where the hours went. And then other days to watch minutes tick by and be able to review them at the end knowing something good was accomplished. 

Either way, time is short. We live in such a selfish culture. Everything is focused on the present and how one can receive immediate satisfaction for himself, but that is not what Jesus taught during His short earthly ministry here on earth. He taught us to live for Him who died for us. Living for Him and taking captive each moment should consume our thoughts--it should be what determines how our time is spent. Don't waste time. You don't know how much you have left. Fill every moment with something valuable, something of eternal glory. Don't let contrary opinions sway you from doing what you know pleases Him. There is a culture to be witnessed to. There is a family to be served. There is a person to be counseled. There is a war to be fought. Only other souls will be able to stand by your side in heaven--not your money, fame, or fortune. This life is so temporary, so take your resources and talents and use them completely for His glory, and you will never regret the time you spent. 

Redeem the time. Jesus is coming. Will your works be tried and found wanting or will they win you an eternal reward?

In Christ,


  1. True, true. It's kind of funny that, when one looks back at his past, some times seem really slow and other times go by fast. It really depends how busy you are. I was seventeen for almost 3 years (a definite lull in my life) but, when I turned twenty (which happened suddenly and unexpectedly), time started flying. I've been twenty for the last two weeks now. I guess I've been getting kind of busy, which is a good thing.

  2. Yes, I think it does depend on how busy you are. Life started "picking up" rapidly for me at the age of 16--and though there were "slower" seasons, time has sped by as a whole.

    Thanks for reading and commenting. :)


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