Monday, January 21, 2013

In the Fog

Hebrews 6:19
Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast.

We are now almost through the first month of 2013. Already I have seen some challenges ahead as well as some opportunities. Sometimes I forget that it's a different year, a different day, and I just start living as if life is normal. In a way it is normal, yet I need to remember that it is new also. A new year to give God the glory in my actions, to encourage others, and to honor Him with my thinking.

Young people often have some sort of vision for their year and even their life. Yet that vision often becomes clouded or changed by circumstances, events, and Sometimes we can't see ahead of what we're doing now to the desired end later. When I was driving to church on Sunday, it was foggy. It was a dense fog; one where I could not see farther than 100 feet in front of the vehicle. I remarked to my sister and dad: "It [the fog] is like life. You go through life often with fog all around you, yet there are sunny parts when you can see clearly again." Life can be foggy and cloudy and it's hard to see around or in front of you. Often you live moment by moment, day by day, because anything ahead of that is unknown. Fog is often found in the valleys--that is where moisture gathers and there is little wind to drive it away--but when you reach the mountains the view is clear. You can see the road. The pathway is directly before you and you can once again see your destination. Yet, you would not know the sunshine on the mountain except for the fog in the valley. The fog and clouds are what make the clarity of the sunshine all the more beautiful.

Going through loss of direction or destination is difficult, very difficult, and it often follows with a loss of hope. If there is no destination, what are we supposed to hope in? But there is a direction still laid out for us. We just can't see it with all the confusion around us. And once we lose hope, we begin to fear. We fear what's next. We fear what we don't know and we fear what we already see happening. We fear that the future doesn't hold for us what we desire most. It is a natural feeling. We all have felt it and may continue to feel it now.

However, we are not called to fear what God already knows. I have heard that the command not to fear is in the Bible 366 times. We don't need to fear what God already holds in the palm of His hand.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 2:7)

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. (1 John 4:18)

God has given us the ability to love. To love family. To love friends. And to love Him most of all. The more we love Christ and create a daily living relationship with Him, the less we will fear what the future holds, because we can't help but see that a sovereign, loving God only plans and gives what is best for us. Yes, we will probably always wonder what things the future has for us, but we have no need to fear. We can have hope in a loving God's perfect plan for our lives--even when we're waiting while walking in a foggy valley.

We have hope because in the confusion God's plan is still there, even though we only snatch glimpses of it from the mountain tops. (Jeremiah 29:11) We have hope because we serve a God who is in time, on time, every time--even when time's running out. (Psalm 31:15) We have hope because we serve a God who is faithful and cannot go back on His promises. (1 Thessalonians 5:24) We can take hold of hope because we are commanded to cast tomorrow's (and each day's) cares on Him. (1 Peter 5:7; Matthew 6:25-34). We have hope because God is always walking along side of us daily. (Deuteronomy 31:8) And we as Christians have hope because our God is the God of all hope.

As you go into 2013, don't settle for fearing future events--hope in the Lord, instead, and increase your love for Him each day. Count the times He has been faithful to you before. Give Him your all, watch your future unfold, and leave the rest up to Him. You may not know what the future holds, but you do know Who holds the future. Go with confidence through the valleys, knowing that you are walking hand-in-hand with the Son of God. Don't let the waves of life wash away your hopes--allow them to make you cling even more tightly to the Rock of Ages.

Your sister in Christ,


  1. A good post, Kaleigh. :) I have been walking through the valleys lately, and it has not been easy. But we hope in Christ.

    There is no fear in love...

    I remind myself of that quite often. ;)Thanks for the encouragement. <3


  2. Aw, thank you, Schuyler! You're often in my prayers. I'm so glad it encouraged you. Keep looking up. :)
    Kaleigh <3

  3. Wow, did you write that just for me? ;)
    Thanks for posting! It's the perfect reminder I needed right now :)

  4. Not on purpose, no. ;) I wrote it in general (with a knowledge that most of my readers are my peers and many are facing similar challenges), but mostly to myself actually. ;) I'm glad it encouraged you. I always love hearing that. :D

  5. Thank you for that post, Kaleigh. :) You always write just what I need to hear. ;) I really liked your reference to "perfect love casts out fear" and I think it's not only important to increase our love for God, but also to realize how much God loves us. It's always so easy for me to forget that. ;)

    Love you, sis!

  6. Good thoughts, Heather. So glad it was "useful" to you. Yes...I forget that often, too. He does love us more than we could imagine. We could never do anything better or anything less to make God love us more. :)
    Love you, too!

  7. It's wonderful to hear that God is teaching the same kinds of lessons to us all as we walk through very different life circumstances... thankyou for the encouragement! :-)


  8. Thank you, Sheila! I'm glad it encouraged you. :)


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