Monday, June 18, 2012


I have always found that the beginning of a writing project is the hardest, and this post was no exception. Whenever I think of a topic to write about, I usually start with the deep thoughts that should be in the middle of my post rather than at the beginning. But as I began to think about it, I realized that we all have experienced this. “This” being failure, or just the feeling of failure. Sometimes there is an event, relationship, or circumstance that we actually DO fail in, but other times we just think it.

I think part of the reason that we think that way stems from discouragement.  I know I can often get discouraged with many of the things in my life. Just looking around at the continent I live in…how quickly it is disintegrating morally, socially, academically.  Seeing relationships around me that are not “perfect”. Having to make decisions, and then wondering if that was the right route to take after all. Receiving grades that are lower than I wanted. Yes, some things definitely seem like failure.

But several weeks ago I also realized something else. God isn’t finished with my life, yet. (Astounding, I know. :P) In some of my situations only He can see down to the end of the road and tell me if it was a failure. Some relationships, decisions, and circumstances aren’t complete, and I shouldn’t be thinking that they are already a failure when He isn’t finished with His plan. Each event in my life is perfectly planned out by my Creator and He knows whether it will be a failure or success. What I see as failure right now, may only be part one of His plan. He will complete my life one day and I will be able to look back on the road and see the journey that was taken. I will be able to understand each event, each trial, each relationship. AND I will be able to see the end result and reward. Ultimately, with Christ, there are no failures, because Christ’s design for my life is perfect, regardless of what path I choose. I may have failures as a person, but I cannot fail life completely if I am a child of His.

One quote I found that spurred me on in the writing of this post was this: “…the Lord may ask us to live for years simply trusting His promise of bringing ‘all things together for good.’” We cannot live in the present life assuming failures when we cannot see the end result. We are MORE than conquerors and each day we have a choice to feel like we’re failing miserably, or we can realize that “the only way we’ll ever stand, is on our knees with lifted hands”. Remaining in prayer, and getting back up again is almost a daily struggle for some, but we do not have to live in the discouragement of failure. Yes, we will make mistakes and possibly fail, but we don’t have to live in the fear of failure. God has determined all the outcomes of all future events already. We can stand up and go forward, knowing that He is in control of our lives, our families, our relationships, circumstances, events, and everything else. The past is behind us. What’s done is done. Let us learn from the mistakes we’ve made, but not be traumatized because of failure. Let us go forward in the strength of our Lord, living a life that shines in a dark world, while being “an example of the believers”. (1 Tim.4:12)


  1. I love this blog post, sis. :) So many times I can feel that same way, where I'm simply a failure.
    But I love your comment about how God's plan for our lives is perfect; so we are never failures in life.
    What a comforting thought that no matter which route we decide to take in thise life, that God will always be there with us, guiding us through the next stages in our lives.

    Thank you, Kaleigh. <3 :)

  2. You're welcome, Anna. Yes, God is always there with us and we cannot let circumstances determine our failures and successes. :)
    Kaleigh <3

  3. Amen, Kaleigh!! :) God is teaching me more and more lately that HE is the one in control of my life, not me. ;) Thank you for the beautiful reminder.


  4. You're welcome. I'm glad it encouraged you. :) It is so reassuring to know that our lives are in His hands. :)


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