Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Rear View Mirror Driving

I was driving with my Mom yesterday and a car behind me was just getting way too close for comfort.  I don’t even like to be followed almost bumper to bumper in town when we’re going 25 MPH, but out in the country (at approximately 55-60 MPH), I was feeling really cramped for space.

Trying to remember to just keep my eyes on how I was driving, I avoided looking into my rear view mirror every few seconds.

When the guy finally passed me, I couldn’t help but think of how many times, in my Christian walk, that I hadn’t avoided the mirror and kept my eyes glued to the past.

I sometimes view my day-to-day life with that of driving a vehicle.  Past mistakes come right up behind me and grab my attention to the point where I don’t focus on what is before me, but instead, on what I’ve done wrong in the past.

In a car, if I keep looking backwards, I could end up in a ditch or run into another vehicle.  As is in my spiritual walk with Christ, looking back, regretting things, and taking my eyes off of the One Whom I should be looking to, I could seriously hurt myself and others by making more wrong choices.

I’ve heard many pastors give this comparison before, but as with many other things, those words don’t “sink in” until I really start to think about it.  

I believe it’s ok to look back at the past sometimes, because then I remember that those decisions went sour and so I will not go there again.  However, I also believe that looking back is something to be careful about.  “Glancing” can be good; but “staring” draws our attention away from Christ and His perfect plan for us.

We can never get fulfillment by looking into the “mirrors” though, but we can if we keep our eyes on what lies before us and getting ready for the obstacles ahead.

I have already faced many obstacles before.  Now with Christ, I can keep looking straight ahead, because that’s what will keep me on the path that He has laid out for me.

Hebrews 12:2 “..looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”



  1. Very good imagery, Anna! As a new driver working on my license, I can appreciate this example. :) I agree; God has taught me to look to the future, and learning from the past should be a quick glance, not staring at our rearviews.


  2. Well done, Anna. :) I totally agree. Looking back in the past is good because we need to learn from our mistakes, but we can't dwell there all the time. We must look ahead, going forward in His strength, not living in past mistakes because that will hinder our spiritual growth.
    Great job, sis. *hugs*

  3. Thank you, Schuyler. :) Congratulations on getting your license.
    I agree with what you said. There is such a difference between just looking back for a brief moment and focusing on the past. :) Thank you for commenting. :)

    Thank you, Kaleigh. :) You said that very well. We can never get strong if we don't move ahead and leave the past behind. Learning from the past and then going forward with our lives can make us grow stronger for the future. :)


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