Thursday, February 16, 2012

Collin's Study Day

Since Kaleigh and Julianna asked me to contribute to their blog, I will attempt to sketch what a typical day (as much as a day is typical in homeschool families ;) ) is for me.

I wake up at 6:15 sharp every morning. Many times I will listen to music to keep me awake, as I start lifting a half hour later. I will many times do some light stretching or mobility work as a warmup.

Depending on the day, I will either do lower or upper body. Monday and Thursday are lower body days. Monday is training speed as well as building overall strength. Thursday is a maximal effort day-meaning I lift as much as I can in an exercise such as a squat or a deadlift. Tuesday is speed and overall strength for upper body, and Friday is maximal strength for upper body. 

I generally finish in less than an hour, so I will then do devotions and take a short nap before breakfast. I will start up CollegePlus studying at 9am, continuing on until lunch. After lunch, I generally check social networking and take about a half hour or do to chat with people on Skype, although the time I get on varies from day to day. During the afternoon, I will continue studying, but most of the studying then is on the Learning Network. After studying, I will do chores.

In the late afternoon, I will do stretching and mobility work. After that, I will either study yet again or relax until supper.

After supper, it is general family time until family devotions, which are usually around 8pm or so. After devotions, I will go back on Skype or just general time doing things. 

Depending on the day, I go to bed anywhere from 10:20-11:30. I usually fall asleep around 11:30, to wake up again at 6:15 sharp the next morning.

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